The Process of Seeing and Knowing… LOVE

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.


Know this dearly loved friend, my love for you doesn’t start when you start loving me. It isn’t contingent on my circumstances or feelings in the moment. My love for you just is there for you no matter who you show up in that moment for me. Oh Beloved my preferred affection is undeniably bent towards you, and shows divinely-directed patience to endure any life troubles we might face together while still displaying compassion and consideration for you. If we did face a difficulty I will be slow to avenging what was said and done, because I know who I get to BE with you, one who is full of grace, servant love and gentle. Beloved, my preferred affection does not hide jealousy of you doing well, but instead I am deeply committed to you by giving goodwill, unmerited favor, and friendly support so that you become more of what He has you to BE. Oh loved one, I’m not out to brag or promote myself, actually I want to just BE with you in such a way that we can share all the things in our lives knowing it all comes from Him. My loved friend, you will notice my controlled strength in all I say and do, and so I choose to not raise or exalt myself above you so that others could see me as more important. Actually I prefer to celebrate you and how far you have come, so I act with honor and righteousness towards you, because I value you so. It would do no good for me to do you wrong or become rude with you as that would only create distance between us, and my heart longs to grow closer to you. Beloved it is so important to me that you become everything you are meant to BE, and that I will be generous with you to see that happen. Let’s say there comes a hard day loved one, I won’t quickly ignite with anger taking shallow jabs at you, instead I choose to BE calm, full of peace, and relaxed no matter what happens between us. Beloved the world holds a record book of all the ways you have done wrong or caused harm, but they don’t see you as I do. I’m looking for ways to bless you, lift you up, and even give you a divine advantage as I believe the BEST about who you are and will be. I rejoice and celebrate in all the things that are so absolutely right in your life, how you are starting to see your life as the way He sees you, and has for you to live into. Know this, I will wait patiently for you to live such a life, and I will BELIEVE and TRUST in you becoming and living such a life. No matter what storm we may face I will trust and stand with you on the rock of what our Father says instead of what our circumstances are shouting in the moment. Actually my esteemed friend, I am so confident He is up to something amazing, that I will joyfully flood our circumstances and my thoughts with expectancy of Him showing up at the right moment in a marvelously brilliant way! I am so absolutely confident of His desire to pour deeper wells of love and gifts into our life, bringing you into a deeper levels of fellowship, that I will literally stand in this circumstance with you until you get it, because I know that the love I have towards you is actually from Him and that will never fail no matter what we face together.