Lunch with my Pastor

I met with my pastor for a long lunch. We had an amazing meeting and talking the entire time about God and what He is up to. At the end we prayed together and then He said I want to tell you something the Lord has shown me about you. He says, “Yes to the things you are doing. That He is so happy with you.” Ben you are on a wave crest that is moving through our community of people, things, and our church is getting caught up in the wave you are on. They are literally getting sucked into the tow of the wave and getting pulled along. So we had to start asking the question where are you going? Your life is becoming so influencing to others, and so undeniable that we as elders talked about you and where we think you are going. We all agreed that you are heading towards Jesus and that we are going there also. This is a new wave coming into our community. That you may not be speaking up front yet, but your life is constantly teaching people about Jesus. That those closest to you are getting the full force of the wave that you are on. God has a spot light on you and said, “I am positioning him. Take note of him. Look at what I am doing in him. Pay attention here.” You haven’t been promoted or positioned by man yet… but I know based upon what God has shown me for you, is that it is BIG and it is coming soon. It is coming really soon.

March 3, 2015 – Prophetic Dream

I had a dream and the words that showed up for me were “boom, circle, seal” and it was on a water bottle.

I asked Him about finances in my dream. He said, “I was like a deer to water but the water was rough, confusing, and scary. I wasn’t ready to lay down in it or be in it.” He has now lead you to a place where I am able to drink from a huge lake. “Drink in all that you want.” He has given me the freedom to lay down and rest in that place.

I asked Him about my purpose. I got into an elevator in a building that looked like a tall tower that went up to floor 26. Felt strongly that there is significance to 26. I was on the very top floor. He said, “He is taking me up to the top floor, and I am growing in a process. When I get to the top floor it will be like a waterfall that will pour out all over everyone below.” I saw the United States divided into four quadrants. The idea that I am going to be traveling all over the U.S. hitting these four areas. I also saw China, Russia, Germany, Mexico, and eventually I will be traveling all over preaching and ministering the good news of what He has for me to do. That is growing in a process to get to floor 26, but He has for me to go to the top.

(Looked up 4/28/15 the significance of 26)

Biblical Significance of 26: The Bible’s Number 26 — The Amazing number of God/Jesus — Pay special attention to number 26 because the number/text associations to its meaning are truly incredible. Examine the list of clues below and see if you don’t agree that #26 is a number for a holy and righteous God – more specifically, #26 seems a number purely about God and Jesus…

Few Examples I found:

  • The Hebrew name for God, YHWH, has a numerical value of 26 — The Hebraic letters YHWH are assigned gematria/numeric values of 10, 5, 6 and 5 which together add up to 26 (multiple websites note this-search for #26 and God).
  • The 26th verse of the Bible speaks of the image of God — Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;… “
  • The value for the letters of God’s name is 26 — Interestingly enough and not likely a coincidence – if you assign a gematria/numeric value of 1-26 to each letter of the alphabet, the chacters G-O-D have values of 7, 15 and 4 which add to #26 – God=26.
  • The foundation of the House of God – Twenty and Six (26) — Scripture says the width and length of the House of God are twenty cubits and six cubits (26/62). Found in 1Kings 6:2 (62/26)  “As for the house which King Solomon built for the LORD, its length was sixty cubits and its width twenty cubits and its height thirty cubits”. This dimension is also found in 2 Chronicles 3:3. The height of 30 cubits relates to #30 about purity and righteousness.
  • Leviticus chapter #26 declares “I AM THE LORD” — This is the 116th chapter (2 and 6 = 26) and the first verse finds itself as the 3526th Bible verse. The verse reference numbers as well as the text suggest the theme of ” I AM THE LORD” and “THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL DO”. As a clue to this theme, the phrases “I Will” and “You will” are found throughout the chapter. The first and last verse frame this chapter’s theme — the first verse declaring I am the Lord your God” and the last verse ends by saying I am the Lord their God”.
  • Matt 26:26 Explains Jesus is the bread of life — …Jesus took some bread…broke it…and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.”

Prophetic Word

What I see in the Spirit is you standing under a waterfall. The waterfall is cascading onto your head – the whole waterfall is about the peace and rest of God. The Lord says He is going to drive out of your brain the capacity to worry, to be anxious, to be fearful, to feel insecure, all of those things. There is a peace and a rest of God coming to you that is so remarkable, it will change your very personality. In these days, there is a peace so strong, so profound, and so powerful that nothing will be able to make you anxious again. There is a laughter rising up. The Lord says that you are always meant to go through life with a grin. And now He’s going to come to you to teach you how to live everyday under His smile. You’re going to learn what it is to be precious to God because that’s how He sees you. You don’t feel precious a lot of the time, but He says to you, “I think you’re precious, and because I’m God, what I think matters more than what you think.”

The Lord says, “Life is still going to be life for you. There are still going to be difficulties and up and downs for you – the difference is going to be on the inside of you.” You’re not going to be up and down, up and down, up and down; the Lord is going to give you a straight, even road to walk on. It’s called peace. The Lord says that it’s in His heart for you to become one of the most peaceful people of your generation. This rest and peace will bring you to a place of favor with God where you’re going to get revenge on the enemy for everything he’s ever done to you. Your peace is going to reach out and heal  people because a prophetic anointing is going to grow in your heart with a confidence and a certainty. Around you will be a peace, and within you will come a peace. Pressure will come from the outside, but the Lord says that peace will be an equalizing pressure on the inside. He is going to drive out of your head the capacity to worry, to be anxious, to be afraid.

You’re standing under a waterfall of peace. So everything inside you is heading into a place of peace, serenity, tranquility, and calm. This is your journey in these days, and the Lord says, “From this moment, every situation you encounter will have peace with it.” He will teach you how to access that peace – and when you do that on a regular basis, confidence is going to come, faith is going to come, and then the prophetic is going to rise up inside you.

April 18, 2015

“Gentle Ben… you are pastor and I see you in front a sea of people standing at a platform adjusting the mic up to your mouth. You preach to them. I hear the name Benny… Benny Hin. (He paused to asked me who that was – I told him a powerful healer- keeping it simple as I am blown away right now.) He says you are also a healer. The Lord says to go out and do what you just did with me holding your bible in your left hand, don’t forget it, and pray with your right. Then go in groups. (I was even more blown away – WOW! and he asked me if I did that stuff right now and I said, “Yes!” then He was blown away!) He says keep doing that and He likes it, but remember to carry your bible in your left hand. He has you to minister in Chicago (He looked up at me from his closed eyes and said, “You knew that already didn’t you.” I just smiled and was so in awe) Wow! He says He is assigning you four angles (vision part I shared with Adam) for the rest of your life to be with you so you can go into dark places and not be afraid and protected. (He looked at me… “Have you seen one of your angles?” I told him yes and that He is about 10 feet tall {saw him at a service at my church}) Now you have four of them! He also says that because you took the time to set me free and not go on a time schedule, he will reward you greatly!”

February 23, 2015

Lord Jesus we thank you so much for Benjamin Brooks. Lord God almighty we honor him tonight. Lord for His faithfulness to you and his willingness to step out and be bold. Father we thank you for the opportunity to bless him.

R: That word FAITHFULNESS is the obvious word. You really display that. I see the Father smiling at you, and just pleased. It is a faithfulness out of love. He is just smiling at you.

A: I am getting the word FAVOR. You already have been given and you just have that over your life. He has given it to you. There is more to come!

M: Ben I am just hearing POSITIONED FOR GREATNESS. That is what the Lord is doing but that is also your response to Him that has put you in that place. I want to honor that. The way that you position yourself through yes faithfulness and through integrity, through honoring others, and humility. We just ask for more of that Lord.

S: I am getting the word STEADFASTNESS. In how you approach things. Being steadfast with your family, but most of all with the Father. He is so pleased that you are putting Him first. You are being bold, and steadfast with sharing your faith with other people.

H: I have a funny vision for you. I see you running in a race with the men in your life who have been a few steps ahead of you in their spiritual walk. You are catching up to them, but they are running with good form and technique. Your technique is all over the place crazy. Kind of like Forest Gump meets an old man. The point is that you are catching up to them and you are going to pass them. You are keeping your eyes steadfast focused on the Father. He says, “Don’t worry about your gate looking different than other people. Don’t worry about technique being different. I created you uniquely to walk with Me. This is just between you and Me. It’s not about how other people’s walks look. It’s not about may hear Me or experience Me. It’s about how you hear Me. It’s about how you experience Me. Continue running the race that you are on. Continue run the course that you are on. Continue to keep your eyes steadfast focused on the Lord because He has greater things for you that you can’t even imagine. The finish line is within sight but it is also far away. He says, “Just keep your eyes on Me. Don’t worry about where we are headed. Keep saying, “Yes” to Me. Keep trusting Me in that next step, and I will bring you to that finish line.

M: I have heard this phrase used before and I feel like it applies to you. BREAKER ANOINTING. I see a picture of you with a sled hammer and just bringing it down hard onto concrete surfaces. It’s like earthquake force. That breaker thing is breaking strongholds. I feel like God has just anointed you in power and gifted you to break strongholds in lives of other people. So that the word of God that gets planted in them can grow. It is an evangelistic tool and freedom tool that God has given you and blessed you with.

So, Lord we bless Ben in the name of Jesus to carry out those things that you have blessed Him to do. We thank you Lord for His faithfulness, and the way that he is growing. For his perseverance in the name of Jesus.


Lord we thank you for Amanda. The incredible lover of Jesus that she is. We thank you for how you have made her. Lord she really loves well. Lord we want to bless and honor her tonight.

S: Amanda you have such a simple faith, and that does’t mean that it is a lesser faith. It actually means it is a greater faith. Your faith is just so simple. You just simply love, believe, know, rest and what you know about Jesus. What you experience in your life doesn’t change the fact that you just love Him. There is just this sweetness about you. I feel it even when I talk to you. I hear it in your voice. There is just this tenderness in your voice, and you just care so deeply for everyone around you. I feel God is wanting to teach you about the gift of intercession. What that is for you and how He is asking you to partner with Him in intercession. He is really going to teach you how to carry a burden so it isn’t heavy and it is really light. You are called to intercede for people, and I feel like you can actually feel it on your physical body some times. Intercession will come and you will feel it on your body and He is going to teach you how to know how to pray for specific people. I bless you to just allow Him to teach you the release. You are going to know when the release happens. There will be such a lightness on it so you know that you aren’t called to carry things you aren’t meant to carry.

R: God has given you a mother’s heart. It isn’t just for our kids it is a mother of many. Especially as you grow older. You are going to be a spiritual mother to many. A mentor to many. That mother’s heart is going to show the Father’s heart to many.

S: This is for both of you. I see over your home I see open heaven opening up over your home. I was hearing the name JOHN G. LAKE. If you don’t know about who that is, I would encourage you to just read about him. John G. Lake has a healing ministry and evangelist. I was recalling the part of his story about where people would just come to his home because knew that healing would come. Because there was an open heaven in his home. So, we just declare that over the Brooks’ home. We thank you God for an open heaven and direct access. It’s like a spot light during a grand opening for things so that people know to go to the light. That is where the light is. That is like what I see coming out of your home. That people just know that I need to go there. There is something that God has for me in that house.

M: I had the word NEW for both of you. It’s new things in the spirit. Newness with God. The good things with God will never get old. It will always feel like something new. Literally there are new things for both of you. Especially Amanda.

H: I heard NEW FLESH. There is a shedding of the old flesh and a new flesh that the Lord has for you right now. I feel like God is saying, “I WILL.” As you open your mouth to share. God says, “I will be the one that speaks.” As you open your home. God says, “I will be the one that welcomes people in. As you pray over people for healing. God says, “I am the one who will heal.” I feel like that is a special anointing for you. You get to go and be a representation of the Lord in a very unique and special way. Where He is confirming in you and telling you whatever you put yourself to, and whatever you put your hands to I will do that.

Lord we thank you so much for Ben and Amanda, and their precious family. We bless them in the name of Jesus. We thank you for the promises over their life. We declare more for them. Amen.

November 12, 2014

You will be joyously blessed with so much abundant joy that you will not care if your kids are adopted or biological. You will abundantly given riches with family, kids, and even monetarily. You will be the father of many. You will see the fruit of the things that God has you to do in the kingdom at the beginning and end of my life.

That the things you start and create will surpass generations upon generations. They will continue on. You will make a huge impact in the kingdom for Him and your family will.

HUB Prophetic Session

Father we thank you for Ben and that you love him deeply. Father thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit to show us something that will bless him, and cause Him to even love you better. That’s because of your Son Jesus.

(guy 1) I felt like I heard the Lord say “FORCE.” I feel like what God is saying is that you have a force or a way about you or a strength. Where He can give you something and you exhibit force.

(guy 2) Right before he said force I saw a whirl wind come down. It was the Lord in the whirl wind. Of course that has a lot of force. He put you inside of it the way it came down. You were inside of it. There was a calmness and it didn’t hurt you. As that force was swirling about you and the power of God. It was pulling out things out of you that should not be there. That are interfering with the plan he has for you. As He finishes that work I heard the Lord say there will be a great peace and things will begin to click as to what He has been trying to tell you and show you. What you will be doing in the very near future that is what I heard. In the process God implants things into you. Your destiny and different things. It’s pretty cool when He does it that way. You will begin to sense it as you meditate or pray on the word. Ask the Lord to tell you more on what it might mean. I can sense a real love for you that He has and He is excited about what the future is going to hold for you.

(guy 1) Have you ever seen a picture of something reentering the atmosphere? A spaceship or whatever with the heat coming off the sides? I feel like I saw a light bulb coming down but fast enough that it had blast waves of heat coming off because it was coming down so hard. I think that what the Lord is saying that He is going to bring you ideas from Him that are from Heaven and they are going to come to you really quickly. So quick that they are going to get enough resistance in the atmosphere to heat up.

(guy 2) Does any of it fit?

(Me) Yes

I asked for more of Him and they prayed over me. Then I encouraged them and told them that I had a dream with a whirl wind and I am a partner in an innovation and invention business. They were blow away!


August 11, 2014

S: There is something really special about the two of you coming together, and God bringing the two of you together (My wife and I). I feel like God wants you to know that the two of you actually work perfectly together. I almost see like you guys finishing each other’s sentences. You start a task and the other one can just jump right in and finish it. It is just a picture of who God has created you guys to be and how He has created you guys to walk together. I feel like you guys are builders. I see you guy mixing the cement to build. It is part of who He has made you to be in the Kingdom is builders. I feel like He wants you to know that there will be a season of your life that you guys are going to move around a lot. Be prepared to move.

J: I was hearing the word over you guys that you are “Storm Chasers.” You are first responders. You have a heightened sense of a shift of an atmosphere when something is going on. God gives you insight. You are carriers of wisdom as well. You are the person people will go to to ask how to and what to do. I feel like God is saying that people may judge you by how young you look, but the wisdom that you carry will speak for itself. It will speak volumes. I mean like Encyclopedia Britannic volumes. You guys have that much breath of knowledge and amount that it is like where you have authority, and it comes in your confidence in knowing that you have been sent and the one God has chosen to deliver the knowledge, wisdom, and some times escape plan. I feel like there is an anointing on both of you in the prophetic. I pray that over both of you for an increase and release of all the prophetic anointing I have and anything that has been given to me I ask God that you would give it to each of them and then some. Give them 10 times, a 100 times, increase God. The prophetic anointing that you have. God we just thank you that you are going to send them to the places where they can be the words of wisdom and the one who delivers the knowledge. We thank you God that You are giving them great insight in where to go and when to go and how to go. And God that you would show them who to speak to. So when they arrive they will know exactly where they are suppose to be sent. God I thank you that they will not be lead astray. I thank you for the great levels of discernment that they carry. I ask for an increase in their discernment. I ask that you would hone their skills and sharpen skills God. That they would walk in the ways of you Lord. Even in the small ways and small places they would be learning how to discern, learning how to release, learning how to target those that you want targeted God, and bring the shift and bring the change that is required. I see you leaving before all of the chaos is over, because God will call you on to the next situation, but you leave people there who are capable. You leave people behind that know what to do, because you have imparted. You enter into a situation and lay hands, you release and you impart and you move along. Because you don’t have time for that. You can’t be bogged down by all the little details. You are visionaries and you move along, and God will carry you along. He will help you to shake the dust off your sandals where people have not teated you well. It won’t bother you. You will be able to just move along because you just know that God has a plan for you and a mission for you. That you time is precious and God is going to take you to great places. He is going to take you great distances the two of you. He has a life calling for you both. You are tied together and even the way you are holding hands right now shows as if there is a rope that is binding you. It’s that three strand cord that is holding you together, and you are bound together. You will walk through this like you are doing a three legged race. You are stronger when you are together. You are stronger when you are united. You are stronger when you are clasping hands together and you are walking in unity.

M: I was feeling that both of you guys are really good friends. Not just to each other but the people around you. You are a safe place for people. Hospitality… welcome. Welcoming describes you guys and friendship. It is a character of God. Friendship of God that you guys exude. I bless that in both of you. Gentleness. I was hearing the word “resurrection” for you Ben. There have been promises of God and dreams that have died from long ago. Those are coming alive again. Also part of who you are – a resurrection of a “Zealous Pursuit” to go after those things that God has for you. The Lord is just calling you up to go after it. Full and fast. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we stand with Ben and Amanda and mountains move in the name of Jesus Christ. Breakthrough! You are being lifted up on wings. I see these full eagles wings. It is a call to soar again, and not to be grounded any longer. RISE UP MIGHTY MAN OF GOD! GO AFTER THAT THING THAT GOD HAS PUT BEFORE YOU! SPEAK TO THE MOUNTAIN AND TELL IT TO MOVE! IT WILL IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!

J: This is a time of preparation for you two. This is a time of intense time of study and preparation, because you are on the fast track. God is taking you to great places. He will show you what to study and show you where to go for training. It is this time of intentional pressing in. I feel like the cry of your heart has been the launching. Where? Where? Where do you what us to go and do? I feel like that is going to come. The revelation will come and the doors will open. Right now it isn’t about where or when. It is about now. Now is about digging in where you are at. Gleaning all you can. As you glean God is going to give you insight and He is going to create the opening. He is going to create the momentum. His eyes are on the two of you. He has not over looked you and not forgotten you.

S: When J was saying the words about being intentional. A season of preparation. I laughed out loud because the picture of what I saw you on a beach tossing a frisbee. I feel like just play. It is this invitation to not take yourself so seriously. We can take ourselves so seriously and I felt like God wants to invite you guys play together. Just play together. Just have fun together. He is fun. He just loves to have fun with you. It brings him such joy when He sees the two of you being together. God just wants to take you to that fun place of enjoying Him and each other together. Just play.

M: I speak peace over both of you guys in the name of Jesus. Release of burdens. Holy Spirit master peace in both of these two.

T: There is a really deep secret work that the Holy Spirit is doing right now. I pray that the BEST of both of them is the truth. That the best of who they are is who they are. There is a secret work that you are doing and we bless it. We sense it and don’t understand it always, but we sense it. We release GRACE. Grace and love. Love between them from you to them – pure. He loves you guys so much. Ben I feel like you have something we all want. You have an understanding of the God who sees in secret. You have an understanding of the secret place and the secret work of God.


GIVEN: January 2015

“I feel like the Lord says He knows what you have been going through. The gift of prophecy is for comfort, and I just feel like he wants to give you a little bit of comfort this season of your life. He wants you to know that he never leaves you. He never forsakes you. He is not abandoning you in any of the situation. I feel like you have been crying out for him, and instead of things getting better they have gotten worse. You have been praying for something in particular or someone in particular. It has been just hard. The more you contend for it the more it isn’t getting better. You are wondering God where are you – what is going on? In fact hope deferred makes the heart sick. I feel like there is a little bit of heart sickness that has come upon you because it is hard to muster up the faith again to pray for the same old thing. I felt like the Lord say He is working inside of you. Something that is going to go beyond this season of your life. That you are to count it pure joy. The Lord wants to give you a whole new tactic. YOU ARE TO COUNT IT PURE JOY WHEN YOU FALL INTO VARIOUS TRIALS KNOWING THAT THE TRYING OF YOUR FAITH IS WORKING A PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE. YOU ARE WORKING THROUGH SOMETHING IN THIS SEASON THAT IS MAKING YOU OVERCOMERS THAT WILL GIVE YOU A GREAT GREAT GREAT AUTHORITY IN THE COMING SEASON! YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS. IT’S LIKE AS YOU WALK THROUGH SOMETHING YOU GAIN AUTHORITY OVER THAT THING. I FELT LIKE THE LORD SAY THIS IS HOW YOU GAIN AUTHROITY! YOU FIGHT THROUGH IT AND YOU MAKE A PATH FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO FOLLOW THROUGH. THERE ARE GOING TO BE MANY PEOPLE THAT COME BEHIND YOU! I SEE YOU CUTTING THROUGH THE JUNGLE AND BRUSH – IT IS LIKE GOD HAS GIVEN YOU A MACHEDEE. TO CUT THROUGH UNCHARTED TERRITORY THAT HASN’T BEEN GONE THROUGH BEFORE. IT IS VERY DIFFICULT AND I SEE YOU LIKE TAKING TWO STEPS FORWARD AND ONE STEP BACK. THE LORD SAID YOU ARE MAKING HEADWAY – DON’T QUIT! IF YOU DON’T QUIT YOU WIN! YOU ARE FORGING A PATH THAT MANY OTHERS CAN COME DOWN AND GO UPON! LORD I ASK FOR THIS SUPERNATURAL BLESSING FOR THE LORD TO GIVE YOU POWER TO GET GAIN. GOD GIVE THEM POWER TO GET GAIN! I ASK THAT YOU WOULD BLESS THEM IN EVERY WAY AND SHAPE AND FORM! GIVE THEM A REVELATION OF BREAKTHROUGH! GIVE THEM THAT REVELATION OF BREAKTHROUGH! Lord take away that undue stress. Lord that they would learn how to cast their care upon you as you care for them. Father I pray for a good night sleep. Lord I ask God that you would give these beloved sleep. Lord grant them a supernatural rest, and an increased trust. I feel like God is working something in you in the area of trust. You have to do so many things on your own and maybe the environment you grew up in you had to do it on your own. I feel like the Lord say that it isn’t just you any more it is us. The lord is co-laboring with you. The Lord is making breakthroughs and make a way when it seems like there is no way. We thank you for that in Jesus name. Amen.”

May 20, 2013

T: (With tears) If Jesus was on Earth he would pick you as one of His disciples. He loves you so much Ben! He LOVES YOU! He dances over you!

K: It has been so beautiful to see how God gives one person love He wants to give the person being prayed for – That’s T for you tonight. (T with tears streaming down his face)

B: Vision: God whispered to me yesterday during worship at our church. He showed me going nation to nation with my family sharing the gospel to locals and disciplining them. That we start an organization that sends missions teams to these places to continue to share the gospel. Then another vision came to me about a foundation created to raise funds so that families could adopt children internationally. I am really praying about this and asking for wisdom. I don’t know exactly how it will come to be but if it is what He wants it will.

D: I say Amen to that! (Everyone agreed) The way that you shared you vision… not many people talk like that. It was very mater-of-fact.

A: I guess we are going to Africa then.

D: Ben there is some that I have met who have been given the gift of Faith. It is the ability to believe that would otherwise be unbelievable to others – Powerful

K: Ben you have the capacity to believe, that which is beyond what others, can believe and are relaxed about big things. I am reminded of the scripture, nothing will be impossible to those who believe. God isn’t setting any parameters or limits on you. It is wide open for you Ben. He is very interested in your thoughts and what you choose to do and agree to do. He wants to see how far you will go.

A: All week I have had four words for you buddy and I have held back because they didn’t make sense until now. “Out of the box.”

M: You have a great measure of love and passion along with faith and you get BOOM! Great things can be done with this! On passion and love: I had a vision of cups. Your cup is bigger and it will get bigger and bigger and it will continue to grow!

T: I can’t even look at Ben right now or I might start crying again!

D: God has made you a Warrior King. A King provides resources and as a Warrior you take ground. The Warrior operates from the heart of love and faith. Wow! Amazing!

You are like Nathaniel… Trustworthy

– You are like a Warrior… 2 years you prayed for a friend’s marriage and had faith for it. This is a sweet cocktail of gifts!

– You are like a King… and have the right to hold God to His word, and to gain wealth and establish a convenient her on Earth.

– You have the right to expect success and that He would lead you to success

– You are going to need to call on the perseverance that god has given you. We all need this and you are ahead of the game.

K: You are faithful and it builds over time. Long periods of faithfulness yield results. It never comes to notihing. There is always a reward. Ben don’t lose sight of the rewards as you are waiting.

D: I want to encourage you by something. Most of the people I know really step into things when they get into their mid to late 40’s. There are some that God asks them to step into things early and I don’t know when it will be for you. (recall It’s a Wonderful Life) George Baily wanted to do BIGGER THINGS. He wanted to go do these things outside of where he was, but he was to stay there for that time. I am not speaking prophetically for a moment. I often think of this as similar to my life. I poured out into so many other things and ran with the family business all the while wanting to preach to the nations. Then God had me to go. This is where that tenacity and perseverance comes in as you wait for your vision. Your roots have to go deep into the clay to hold bigger buildings. Don’t lose heart as you wait. Hold out Ben it is worth it! 

M: Vision – Bringing it all together… I had a vision of a vessel. In the vessel was a bright light shining boldly. The light kept lighting up other vessels. Investing in person after person. It was your passion, persistence and faithfulness to bring that light to dark places (vessels) that otherwise wouldn’t have light.

K: There are some that may seek to have influence to the masses but that’s not really what it is about. Loving the one or loving the one thousand… it’s all the same to a God of love. If you can love one you can love a thousand.

B: The way God has spoken to me is in the form of pictures similar to Polaroid’s. He shows me the picture then asks for me to hold on to it as I walk forward. I have no idea how the picture will come to be but I see the end result. 

K: That Polaroid is in coordination with the gift of Faith.

A: Ben has a way of just “Being” with God. I’m a doer. He is a be’er. To be a be’er  is something I’m learning from him.

B: God whispered something to me today before this meeting, and I wanted to see if it started to make sense. He said I was like Moses. I’m not a great communicator, and that’s why God had Aaron for Moses. He has surrounded me with Aaron’s to fill in the gaps around me. Moses got to be with God and come back and share. He lead people to new places.

T: This is because God wants you to be with Him. He has set you up for this. This is why you have so many great and gifted people around you and has resourced you. Be with God!