A New Back

I went to our prayer ministry team meeting and I shared all that God has been doing recently. I told them all of these things and said it is NOT ok that this is more out there and we are not living and experiencing God in this way! The promises are for NOW! The Kingdom is NOW!

After the meeting one of my best friends asked if I would pray for her. I said absolutely! I am so new to this I confessed – God doesn’t need me but I am really excited to be a part of it. Before I started I wanted to share some more insights into testimonies – that they shift the atmosphere for a God that LOVES to do it again and again. She examined my healing on my neck and I explained what it was like prior. I told her before we started if she feels anything… warm, tingling, electricity, anything to let us know. My wife and another friend jumped in. We started praying for a rash also on her. We checked it out and there was a small reduction but she then said I feel really warm in my back that has been hurting for some time. So we prayed for that and her rash again and BAM! GONE! HEALED! I stood up in started YELLING – YAY GOD!! YEAH!!!!!!

After the healing there was a fear that it would go away so I got to share some deep truth about our Dad and how gifts are received and held on to. That it is yours. She posted the following on Facebook that night: “So, I don’t normally post a lot of stuff on Facebook, but this is way too amazing and awesome to keep to myself! My back has been bothering me (dull and sometimes sharp) for the last month. Bothering me when I sleep, sit, pick up my baby. ….. you get the picture. Well, I was with a group of people tonight, and Benjamin Brooks shared about his recent healing from a rash. I asked to be prayed for and I kid you not, the aching dull pain that was always there is gone! I feel amazed that when I bent over the sink to wash my face tonight, when I drove home, and laying in bed there was no pain. I feel good! Thank you God, YOU Are so good and you give incredible gifts!”

My response: “We are kids of a healing God! Love that we had the opportunity to pray with you!! Yay God!! So AWESOME!! We have a dad who loves to give good gifts and that can’t be taken from you! It’s yours! Enjoy the NEW back!!”

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