This will make you EXPLODE YOUR DESTINY!

I just want to say first that you are extraordinary. The reason I say that is many of you are trying to combat the lies that this is all there is. Weather you’re a stay at home mom, businessman, teacher, construction worker, etc. this applies to you. From the person up front, who is always seen, to the person who thinks no one notices. Many of you say to yourself, “I want more,” and more can often times be scary or a catalyst radical transformation and change.

MY GOAL: Is to give you two directional accelerators that will propel you towards your destiny now.

I can’t even tell you how many audio sessions, books, sermons, etc. I have listen to and read to find what DESTINY is. It’s can be extremely frustrating or even discouraging as you might wish someone would just tell you want your destiny is. “Can I have a little direction here?” So, I’ve been there and in many ways in process out of, but I have discovered some key accelerators that will propel you towards your destiny.



If I told you I will meet you at 2 pm what would be the first question you would ask? Where? If we don’t have a direction or destination it is pretty hard to get somewhere. So, the first accelerator you need to know is what mountain you are called to.

Not to long ago a man named Johnny Enlow had a prophetic vision of what is called The Seven Mountain Prophecy (link below). In this prophecy it was uncovered that there are seven areas that you can be called to. You are called to climb a mountain and impact nations, and those mountains are:

  1. Media
  2. Government
  3. Education
  4. Economy
  5. Religion
  6. Celebration
  7. Family



How many of us have taken those online spiritual gifts tests? I have taken several and it’s cool, but it doesn’t do much moving forward. It’s not easy to know what gifting you have or even how to use it right? After exploring spiritual gifts for years I have discovered a man named Lance Wallnau, who simplified everything I have learned.

Your grace gifts are likely something you are already doing. Ask yourself, “What are people coming to me for?” Spiritual gifts are broken into two categories, speaking or doing (1 Peter 4:10). There are seven gifts in Romans 12 that are called common grace gifts. You likely have a very strong one and secondary supportive gift. When you become a believer you be activated with one or more supernatural gifts found in 1 Cor. 12. The KEY IS TO BE YOU. When you stay in your lane of gifting it ignites and attracts the favor of God to it, releasing you to step into what God has – DESTINY.

What Does This Cost You?

I have to admit, I haven’t liked to stay in my lane. I wanted at times to try and do things outside of my gifting. Let me be the first to say this doesn’t go well. I found myself asking “why?” a lot or “what went wrong?” But I’m not going to do it any more, because I realized it cost me. It cost me time in wondering what direction. It cost me pain in lane changes that impacted relationships. It cost me my hope and joy as I began to feel like I’m not going anywhere.

Stepping Toward Destiny

What I finally did was I put myself on the line. I stepped out and choose to not settle. I asked myself, “Someone… someone has to know what and where more is.” What it came down to after years of studying, book upon book, hours and hours of sermons, meeting for coffee with people, traveling the world, etc. is that everyone has a destiny they are called to that is bigger than they can imagine and impossible without God. With an understanding and exploring of my destiny and gifting there has been a release of momentum in my life by Holy Spirit. I have felt favor and love in ways I have never known before. I am living in a constant state of wonder and awe at what will happen today, and my hope and joy are continuing to wage war on my current circumstances rather than being overcome by them.

That is what I have had the privilege and opportunity to experience and you deserve this too. Similar to driving a car you look forward through the windshield of God’s vision for you life accelerating with momentum forward, rather than focusing on the rearview mirror thinking you will get there. It’s time to know your mountain, step towards your destiny, open up to the lane of gifting that is on your life, and once this happens your assignment will begin to emerge.

7 Mountain Prophecy


*Disclaimer: there is are few words used in dialog that are cuss words. This is not intended to offend. 

Tonight was one of those nights I will never forget for the rest of my life. I am in total AWE and WONDER at the MAJESTY of God and how BIG He LOVES.

Our night began like none of the other nights before. The three of us, Corey, Adam, and I started to pray and the peace of God settled on us in such a way we didn’t want to get up from the ground. Something then rose up inside of my spirit, “Corey… can we just sing one song?” He rose to his feet, “I just happen to have a guitar.” The three of us started to worship in the PEACE of His presence. Corey later told us that he had this side thought, “We should probably get going… It is getting dark.” But I didn’t want to stop playing or leave. So one song turned into another and then another and then another and another – another – another, and then it happened. The GLORY of God filled his apartment and the weight settled in and rested us. All three of us were on the floor in silence before Him in AWE of who HE is.

After some time resting in Him we gathered together, and knew tonight was special. Each of us felt completely covered almost blanketed in the peace of God. During the worship time I heard a name, “Patrick,” and saw an older woman who was missing teeth laughing. I told the guys about the name, but I struggled to tell them about the woman. The thought that went though my head was, “Are you really going to walk around downtown looking for an old woman who is missing teeth?” So I didn’t say it till afterwards on our way back. It was a LEARNING MOMENT because that is the very person we met tonight! Sometimes just take the risk especially when you are in a safe environment with loved friends. Be Bold… future advice for myself.

Adam looked at Corey and said, “I had a vision of this heart shape but it was open at the bottom.” Each of us were trying to make the shape with our hands. Corey thought maybe it is an Irish symbol so we headed towards local pubs in the area. It was likely 10-15 minutes of walking and we haven’t seen anyone yet. “I think this is the longest we have ever walked and not seen anyone.” Corey said with surprise.

We reached a red light and I noticed three African American woman sitting on a bench kiddy corner to us. “Hey guys, let’s go pray for them.” So, we made our way over and met an older woman, Peaches, who was missing multiple teeth and two of her friends. They were very melancholy looking sitting on that bench prior to us coming up. I love Corey’s heart and gifting! He opened up the conversation so simply and masterfully that they couldn’t help be compelled to share what’s going on. They asked for the simplest request. Each of them only wanted joy and peace. Corey later said to us, “I had this feeling that it was a Solomon moment. Since they asked for the best thing God was going to do and give far more.” We gathered the women together in a circle and blessed those ladies with peace and joy. I am not kidding you… joy started to fill these woman. Then they grabbed us and kept us in the circle and blessed/prayed over us! “These men are true disciples of Jesus and it isn’t easy being out here but they are with you…” It was so powerful!

So, I opened it up, “Ladies is there anyone who needs healing tonight in your body?” Peaches piped up and told us the history of her knees. She had horrible knees and when she showed us they were completely swollen. “I had to get shots today in them because they are in such pain.” I asked her if we could pray for them and she agreed. “Is there something you can’t do that would be willing to show us?” Peaches then tried to squat and went to not even close to a bend. Corey and Adam started to intercede over Peaches and I got down on my knees in front of her. I declared healing to her knees IN JESUS NAME. After standing up, “Try it out.” In no way am I exaggerating by saying this. Peaches did a squat where her butt almost touched her ankles! She took the JOY to a whole new level! “I don’t think you boys understand. I haven’t been able to do a squat in over 20 years! Let alone that low!” She looked at me and said, “Can I do it again?” I held her arms and she dipped down again to the same spot. “Praise Jesus! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! I don’t have any pain in my knees and they can now bend! PRAISE THE LORD!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks. “Peaches Jesus loves you so much!” She told us she is going to tell everyone and especially her pastor! Corey started talking with the other women and she bear hugged me. It was one of those awesome grandma hugs that make you feel completely loved. “Peaches you are just so full of JOY are you wanting to do it again?” “YES! Would you help me one more time?” This time Peaches butt squatted almost to the sidewalk, but her leg strength couldn’t get her back up because she hasn’t been able to bend in so long. So, we each grabbed an arm and helped her back up. Corey looked at Peaches. “Baby steps Peaches.” Both of us then prayed for a strengthening to her legs to support her new knees.

We went on to talk with Peaches about God. Right then a guy name Danny walked up. He was reminded me of the surfer type with the long hair and bandana. “Peaches! I got the temp job at Budweiser!” We introduced ourselves to Danny and started talking with him. Adam asked if we could pray for anything going on in his life. He wanted prayer for securing his job. Once we finished praying I held my hand out straight in the air towards him. It was like a tractor beam, as he walked up to me till my hand was on his heart. “I declare joy and peace over Danny right now IN JESUS NAME…” “Hey man your hand is getting hot! This is crazy man!” I finished praying for him and he said, “That was wild! Your hand got completely hot when you started praying!” Danny went on to tell us about Peaches. She had almost nothing herself, but would write down all the people in her building who didn’t have a job. Then walk around to all the businesses and find them jobs. She would let homeless people live in her tiny apartment on cold nights and feed them. Peaches took care of Danny on and off for years.

Right then Holy Spirit prodded me to ask him about healing. “Danny, is there anything in your body that needs healing? Peaches knees just got touched by Jesus and healed…” Peaches went on to tell him what happened. “Yeah man… I broke my pinky finger on the job. I didn’t want to tell my bosses because I would lose my temp job. There is like 100 people who would take my job in a heart beat. So it healed wrong. I went to the doctor today, and they said they would have to re-break it and then set it to have it heal right. I almost punched him when he went to touch it!” He then tried to make a fist, and his first three fingers bent all the way to his palm, but his pinky was almost straight up in the air frozen in place. The only part that slightly bent was the top knuckle of the pinky. “Danny can I pray for you pinky?” He looked at me in disbelief. “I just told you… The doctor said I would have to break it.” I locked eyes with him and said reassuringly “Can I pray for your pinky?” “But I don’t believe in healing.” “That’s ok Danny. Jesus still can.” I said comfortingly. Danny and I were still locked in eye contact. It was like my words moved from being mine to spirit spoken directly to his heart. Filled with UNBELIEF… he stated, “Nothing is going to happen!” “Can I pray for you Danny?” I said peacefully to him. “Sure, but nothing is going to happen!” A complete confidence rose up in me. “Yes it will… Danny… Yes it will.” I could almost see in my spirit the pain behind his eyes. “Just watch Danny. Just watch what my Jesus will do.”

I then declared healing IN JESUS NAME to his pinky. “Test it out. Danny” As I softly removed my hands from around his. He then slowly bent his fist closed. “HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK! Sorry guys! Dam that is crazy! Sorry again man! I liked you guy’s prayer about the job but NOW I am really taking your prayer seriously! This is crazy! Peaches look!” He bent that pinky back about 65% to his palm! “Can I pray again for your pinky?” “Yes please!” I declared healing again to his pinky. Another 10% farther! So we all circled up around him and Corey prayed over Him and then Danny had 80-85% recovered mobility to his pinky! He gave hugs to everyone then looked at me and gave me a huge hug and slapped my back to test it. “If I slapped your back an hour ago I would have been in tears from the pain. You should be on one of those street TV shows! This was amazing! How did you do that?” “Danny Jesus outrageously loves you, and cares about the smallest of details in your life. He is so concerned about your wellbeing, and for you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He loves you!” He was so happy because now he could lift the beer crates without pain. This was by far the most dramatic shift in healing for me, because I literally held his pinky in my hand as it happened! It was close up, right in your face, and very personal. No tricks. No gimmicks. No magic acts or hocus-pocus as Danny asked us about. Just Jesus and Holy Spirit backing me up in my anointing and loving every minute of it!

Corey then went on to share about GRACE and MERCY to them and how it can be part of their life. By this time it was like a jOY BOMB went off on that corner of the sidewalk. I think if we stayed longer and the presence got thicker we all would have been dancing.

I looked over, and as I am talking to Danny, Adam is snapping a picture with His phone of a poster hanging behind the bench. I cocked by head sideways wondering why and then it hit me! The poster was a large artistically drawn tooth. The top of the tooth looked like the top of a heart shape with the bottom open which is where the roots were! It was completely the vision Adam had! We found the spot that Holy Spirit wanted to show up in BIG ways!

On our way home we were just so full of JOY mixed with a blanketed PEACE. Corey and I made our way back to his apartment and told story after story of what happened tonight giving Him all the GLORY!


COREY: First person we met was a lovely older woman by the name of Ester. We had to walk through her on our way to the train station. Of course we are going to stop. Hey we see you limping. Would you like to share on that Marybeth.

MARYBETH: She said she loved Jesus. We prayed for her and her english was a little spotty but I think she understood pretty well. Then she was able to move. “I am able to move. I feel better!” They asked her to test it out, and I think she wasn’t able to move it all the way at first so we prayed again. She was still walking away a little stiff with the one but the other not at all. She was just glowing.

COREY: (Looking at Dana) My favorite moment was when you asked her to go for a walk and she was like, “Whooooooaaa!!” That was a genuine thank you God response.

MARYBETH: My favorite moment was just hugging her. (Sounds of awe) “God just loves you so much.” She said, “I know He does.” When we were walking away I looked back and she looked back at us at least once. I hope she took her cool story with her wherever she went.

COREY: Now you shared something with her too right?

DANA: I just wanted to make sure she was saved. Marybeth chimed in “It sounded like she was.” I asked her the hard test question and she got it right. Do you know the hard test question? So if you were to stand before God tonight and God said, ‘Why should I let you into heaven?’ What would you say? There is only one answer but a million iterations of the same answer. She said, ‘Because Jesus forgave me.’ Right on!

~ They Split off after that~

COREY: Marybeth and I went to talk to Malcolm. We were there for a little bit and hung out around there. Dana chimed in, “Was it that black dude on the bench?” Yeah, I just said, ‘How can we pray for you? What do you need God to do in your life to bless you?’ He said he was homeless so we really didn’t ask anything else. Marybeth: “When you said, ‘We love Jesus, and he said I do too.’ We just declared that he was the son of the King. That this season is going to have an end. Whatever is in the past is in the past and we are declaring that this is a brand new day. That doors are going to open. I don’t know if it is going to be hour or two or a day. God is going to bring this breakthrough. He is going to get the glory. I am really just trying to be obedient, and stretch my ability to hear God. It sounds in some ways apologetic. ‘If this isn’t something from God let it go.’ There are some times when I am very confident it is from God and some times I think it is from Him. I just had this prompting to say, ‘There is going to be a John in your life that is going to help you to get to this next phase. Keep your awareness out for a John. I hope the next time I see him. What about you guys who did you talk to?

BRIAN: We first prayed for Paul. He was a Jewish guy and somewhat reluctant to get any prayer at first. He allowed us to pray for him for his back. We prayed for him and then asked if it feels better and then he said, ‘No.’ Then he went through a whole laundry list of things that was wrong with him.

DANA: He was like no I am Jewish. So I said, “Jesus was Jewish!” He laughed ‘I know Jesus was Jewish.’ (Sounds of laughing) He warmed up a lot and very grateful.

BRIAN: Then we saw two guys outside. They were from two brothers. It seemed like they were ok but then the one guy said, ‘My cousin Dave has spine cancer, and so we prayed for him for that. Long distance prayer for healing. We saw a guy with allergies. I think you guys prayed for Marcus. While you guys were praying for Marcus Dana went off and talked with Beatrice and Edgar. Dana speaks really good Spanish. He was having a whole conversation and I had no clue what they were saying. Dana “I had half a clue.” LOL “I know what I was saying but I wasn’t entirely sure what they were saying.” That one was good. Beatrice and Edgar were very touched by prayer. The part that was interesting was his eyes. His eyes were blood red. Dana asked him why they were red. They were from his job as a cook. The smoke and stuff had made his eyes really really red and swollen. Then we talked to a woman who didn’t want pray with her. “You can pray for me just the two of you.” So we took two steps and started praying loudly for her so she could hear. (LOL) 

DANA: We wanted her to hear our prayers.

MARYBETH: You and I had about three other people we prayed for. One guy had huge hair named Mike. We said we wanted to bless and pray for him. “If you want to.” It was all about this “If you want to go ahead.”

COREY: While I was praying I felt the Holy Spirit doing something. Just be honest. Don’t tell me what I want to hear. Be truthful. “Yeah. That was like really inspirational.” You could just tell he was really surprised. Can we just pray one more prayer of blessing on you? “If you want to.” So that was really cool.

We started to pray for another guy who said he was all good, but once we started to pray for him, “Well guys I live with my x-wife and that is kinda difficult.” Do you want restoration there? “I have but I always have.” We prayed for that but he wouldn’t really let us pray to much before he would but in with a little conversation. He just wanted a friend. We listened until his time was up. “I got two minutes!” I thought it was beautiful that you prayed for his wife Suzan. His name was Rick.

We then talked with Marquis. “I am working.” What is your prayer request? We will pray for you. He told us he wanted a drivers license.


MARYBETH: He said he wanted to make the area a little better, a drivers license, and to stop drinking.

COREY: So we went off and prayed for him and then came back wanting to share with him what we prayed and thought. Marybeth got this prophetic word for him. “There are people in your life that would never believe that you could get a drivers license. One of things that is really going to do a lot of good for this town is you getting a license. That is going to be a testimony.” So then I told him that when he gets it you give God the glory. “Oh I will! I am going to get it! I am going to get it!” He completely agreed that there are people who don’t believe he was going to get it. It was totally spot on.

So I think it was really cool to just LOVE — INSPIRE — BLESS. Thank you everyone for coming out and being willing. The kingdom of God isn’t about being normal it is about breaking down barriers that stand between people and the kingdom heaven crashing into Earth.



God is so absolutely awe inspiring! We arrived at Corey’s apartment to find out we had few new additions this week! The crew for this week included: Corey, Adam, Brian, Dana, David Church, Eric/Marybeth, and I. Our evening started on the roof tops over looking the city and watching the peaceful sunset of reds and luminous oranges. We lifted our hands and called down grace, goodness, peace, love and for the kingdom to invade this place! We also declared that a BIGGER LION was with us and that the enemy would be literally scared of our very presence. That wherever we stepped territory would be claimed in JESUS NAME.

Two teams formed and we made our way to the elevators. Team 1 was Adam, Eric, David, and I. The second team of Corey, Brian, Marybeth and Dana will be in the next post. Due to the volume of testimonies these posts will be first hand accounts recorded by the people involved, and split in two parts.

Our team arrived on the street and Eric looked at me, “Where to?” I paused for a moment in listening, “Let’s go see the guys at the church first then head out.” As we approached hands started waving and excitement rose in us. We could see some familiar faces: Jimmy, Mike, and Larry. While two new guys James and Cliff sat on the steps. I trumpeted, “Hey Jimmy! How’s the stomach?” “Oh boy! You better believe my stomach is feeling good! Yes sir! It’s feeling good! mmmm yeah!! (He started doing a little jig dance) I am 14 days without Alcohol! Praise the Lord!” Exactly 2 weeks ago Eric, Marybeth and Corey prayed with Jimmy in a prayer of confession to bind up and break off alcohol from his life. This was a major victory to be celebrated! Right then Eric walks up with bags of waters for all the guys. “Jimmy tell Eric what you just said!” He went on to retell his story. Eric was ecstatic and I believe he would have started dancing right there with him if the sidewalk wasn’t now filled with guys. We talked with all of them for a bit, and then got them in a circle and Eric blessed them. They thanked us over and over again. It is so awesome to build relationships with those guys!

David chimed in, “I think we should head north.” “North it is!” Eric exclaimed with quick step forward. As we were passing the fire station Adam and I stopped and started talking with a college guy, while Eric and David kept walking. Adam prayed over his desire to get settled into college as a freshman and find his path in life. He was so appreciative that we took the time to talk with him. As we were on our way a 20 something girl was heading in our direction. Adam asked her if we could pray and bless her. “No thank you.” She said shyly. So we thanked her and made our way to the train station.

We noticed a very tall African American teen limping up to the ticket window once we were inside. I looked down and his ankle was wrapped. “We are out just praying for people and I noticed your ankle. Can we pray for it?” He got a huge smile, “Sure! I am a believer also.” We talked to Tosh for a little while and then Adam prayed for him. I then kneeled down and Holy Spirit reminded me to have him try it out first. “Hey Tosh can you do something that you feel a little twinge?” He started slowly rotating it and with very little mobility. (Adam is standing next to him interceding) “Watch this Tosh!” I declared healing to that ankle IN JESUS NAME. “Try it out!” “What! It’s like 90% better! That’s AMAZING!” I smiled at him, “Jesus paid for 100% can we go for the rest?” “Sure!” We declared healing and it was ALL gone! HEALED by JESUS! I stood up and pointed at his chest with two fingers. “He loves you Tosh. He really loves you.” He was radiantly glowing in excitement. “I am going to take off my brace when I get on the train!” Adam was belly laughing in excitement and said, “Tosh, jump up and down like this!” So there they were hopping up and down in the train station. Boing Boing Boing Boing. He thanked us over and over.

Meanwhile the ticket guy had watched this whole thing go down right in front of him. He saw him limp up – we prayed – jumped up and down several times – then he walk away normal. “Hey what are you guys doing there? What just happened? What was that all about?” We walked over with excitement, “He had a hurt ankle and Jesus just healed it.” “I’m good guys I want nothing to do with that.” He started getting very scared and timid towards us as we asked if we could pray for him. He wouldn’t even look us in the eyes once we said Jesus.

As we walked out there was Eric and David talking with the very girl who didn’t want prayer. I told Adam, “Isn’t it amazing how God uses people so differently. She didn’t want to pray with us but is drawn in by Eric and David.” {ERIC: “We didn’t know that all of this transpired and we came up to her. We are just out praying for people and trying to bless them. Is there anything we can pray for you for? She asked if there was a phone she could use. Dave has his phone with so she tried to call her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was suppose to meet and pick her up an hour before. She has been sitting and walking around the train station for the last hour. About the point she couldn’t get through to him. She hands the phone back, and he walks out from the train station at that same moment. He was actually waiting inside for over an hour for her. We ended up with a chance to talk with both of them now. She is not as guard now. His name was Gabriel and his grandmother Gloria has cancer and will pass in a couple of months. The family is all religious. Eric told them that they can be religious but not have joy or a relationship with each other. We prayed and blessed them and a peaceful passing. Dave then boldly says, ‘Do you mind if I pray for healing even though she isn’t here?’ Gabriel went on to explain all about the doctors and Dave comfortingly said, ‘God is more in control than the doctors.’ So Dave went for it. We have no idea how she is right now. It rocked Gabriel on their heals.}

We made our way as a group towards downtown because Adam had a vision of the riverwalk. We met a man standing up against a building. His name is Vernon and his wife is running for mayor of the city. So, we talked for awhile with him and then circled up and prayed. What an amazing connection and time! We heard story after story from him of how God is moving on the city. As we are walking away Dave boldly gave a prophetic word to him. “I just really feel that there are promises that He wants to remind you of that aren’t dead. They still have some milage left on them and to remember those….”

It was 8:45 and darkness started to set in completely. We had 15 minutes left so Eric said, “Let’s walk around the block and come back.” There was a bar at the top of the street a few people standing outside. An old rusted pick-up truck was parked outside and had a furniture set in the back. A man came out with a portable oxygen tank strapped to his side, and tubing rapped over his ears and into his nose. “I can’t help you.” He wheezed to the man pulling out a chair. He slowly walked back inside to get some people. Adam and David had already started a conversation with a husband/wife standing outside smoking, so Eric and I offered to help. “We got it, but thank you for the offer.” The oxygen man came out again laboring to breathe. I paused him, “I believe Jesus heals. Can I pray for your lungs.” It happened so fast that he accepted. I just went for it with boldness. “Can I place my hands on your chest?” He nodded his head. “Are you able to take a deep breath?” He tried and wheezed a shallow breath. I declared healing to the lungs IN JESUS NAME. He said thank you and started walking away. “Try it out. Take deep breath.” He paused and took a deep breath, and shock filled his face. “Oh wow!” Eric has been interceding all during this time right next to me. Love this guys heart! I asked to go for it one more time and he got more capacity the second time! He was grateful and went on his way. Eric and I then joined in the conversation with Adam and David.

{ADAM: “We talked with Leo and Jules. They were taking a cig break man in front of the bar. It was just cool. At first he was just freaked out because we didn’t mean to but we surrounded him a little bit. It was just two of us but we were on both sides of them. He just asked us, ‘What’s up?’ We are just out blessing people and praying for people. Then he kinda just started spilling his guts man. He said he is in the middle of court case. Jules needed work. We brought them both in and blessed them out, and then talked for another 30 or so minutes with them.” Dave: “She was funny because as soon as we came up she escaped backwards. Adam started calling her back towards us. ‘Hey can we pray for you too?’  She got impacted by God once she got close to us and started laughing with joy.” 

Just as we got near the apartment we saw a squad car parked under the bridge. We walked over and talked with him for a few minutes. Eric calmly opened up conversation with the officer and asked if we could pray for him tonight. “I’m good fellas, but thank you. I know who you guys are. We all do. I have talked with Milton and know what happened.” We wished him well and that we would pray for him.

Once we returned back to the apartment we told testimony after testimony of what God did. Everyone was in awe of who He is and we gave Him all the glory as Dana prayed!


STREET LIB (Part 3 of 3)

Life in the Spirit… I love how He shows us more of Himself each and every day. Tonight was absolutely beautiful and individualistically dynamic. We met at Corey’s apartment and made our way to the roof. After stories from our weeks we welcomed someone new and a friend of mine Ben S.

We started by opening up with declarations of praise, thanksgiving and prayer for tonight and the city. With hands raised and heads bowed we watched the red sun dip into the clouds over the city landscape. Our hearts leaped with anticipation for tonight as the six of us split off. Ben and I teamed up, as did Corey and Adam, and then Eric and Marybeth.

I am writing from my own personal experience and a second hand account of what took place tonight in the other groups. Eric and Marybeth headed out from the location wondering if they were ready to be on their own. God rose up the warriors within them to see more of who they really are. Boldness and might came forward from them like lions in the night… fearless.

They started by talking with two hispanic women. There was concerns of losing her job and they surrounded her with blessing, love and encouragement. One translated for the other as Eric and Marybeth blessed them. Their hearts are so amazing and inspiring. Both of them are so intentional to remember the names of the people they meet and they continue to pray beyond the night.

As they were walking they heard someone yell, “ERIC!! ERIC!!” They turned and someone who they knew about 14+ years ago road up on his bike towards them. Eric was especially blown away because this guy goes way back with them. He was in their youth group and had a difficult past of drug addiction. They knew he worked at a local nursing home as an adult, and each time Eric would drive by he thought about him… wondering. So, now here he is in front of them… completely clean and sold out for God. They got to just rejoice with him and pray for the things on his heart.

After some time on empty streets Eric and Marybeth crossed paths with us at the theater and chatted with us. It was this pause that enabled them to meet the next person. He was a recently released convict who now works at Portillo’s. He is very passionate about God and His word because he now knows He is set free. They got into a very good conversation about God with him especially about church and community. At the end of the time with him they gave him money for a local bus ticket and he was interested in coming to our church.

They made their way back and we told testimony after testimony of what God did and gave Him all the glory!

STREET LIB (Part 2 of 3)

Life in the Spirit… I love how He shows us more of Himself each and every day. Tonight was absolutely beautiful and individualistically dynamic. We met at Corey’s apartment and made our way to the roof. After stories from our weeks we welcomed someone new and a friend of mine Ben S.

We started by opening up with declarations of praise, thanksgiving and prayer for tonight and the city. With hands raised and heads bowed we watched the red sun dip into the clouds over the city landscape. Our hearts leaped with anticipation for tonight as the six of us split off. Ben and I teamed up, as did Corey and Adam, and then Eric and Marybeth.

I am writing from my own personal experience and a second hand account of what took place tonight in the other groups. Corey and Adam headed off to a barber shop where they met two guys. Corey opened up the doors of the conversation masterfully and invited Adam to pray for one as he prayed for the other.

They left there and started walking for a bit. Corey asked Holy Spirit where to go. Adam said, “I see blue sky and tree tops.” Corey said he knows right where that is and they headed down to the riverwalk. There they found a circle of benches and some round flower pots. (Flashback) On the roof Corey asked all of us what was something we wanted to see tonight. To dream big and invited the impossible to be possible. One thing I mentioned was I wanted to see the kingdom come in such a way that the very presence of God would heal someone before they even prayed for them. That they literally could claim a territory of ground for heaven. There are stories of this happening where drug addicts would walk through that spot and start shaking and dropping their drugs on the ground – set free. So, there they are in this circle of benches. Corey says to Adam, “I think we need to claim this area.” So they started praying over the area and a couple saw them. They stood outside of the benches for some time as they talked. The man told them he had back pain (Ben’s Word of Knowledge) and so Corey and Adam started asking for healing over that back. Nothing. Corey said I want go after it again, and he invited the wife to place hands on him. During the transition they stepped into the circle of benches into their claimed area. Corey and Adam declared healing IN JESUS NAME and right then the woman started cheering because her knee was healed instantly! She started flexing it back and forth for them! They weren’t even praying for her knee but when she entered into the presence claimed for the kingdom healed! Amazed and AWE INSPIRED they followed up with the man and he said there was no way he could think of testing it out. So Corey declared over him – “In the morning you will wake and see a completely different back. You will feel completely different.”

After that they walked and saw nothing but empty streets so they ministered to each other. Then headed back to where we told testimony after testimony of what God did and gave Him all the glory!



Life in the Spirit… I love how He shows us more of Himself each and every day. Tonight was absolutely beautiful and individualistically dynamic. We met at Corey’s apartment and made our way to the roof. After stories from our weeks we welcomed someone new and a friend of mine Ben S.

We started by opening up with declarations of praise, thanksgiving and prayer for tonight and the city. With hands raised and heads bowed we watched the red sun dip into the clouds over the city landscape. Our hearts leaped with anticipation for tonight as the six of us split off. Ben and I teamed up, as did Corey and Adam, and then Eric and Marybeth.

I am writing from my own personal experience and a second hand account of what took place tonight in the other groups. Our night began with Ben and I opening our hands up and asking Holy Spirit to guide us in a direction. Ben said He had a highlight of a taco restaurant from the roof along with someone who has a back injury. I added that I saw someone with a cane and a wrist injury.

As the taco restaurant came into focus I saw a man in a wheelchair scooter coming down the side walk with a cane propped upon the foot rest. I looked at Ben and slapped his arm with the back of my hand. “Ben… look! The cane!” We walked towards him and got into a conversation with him and a guy on a bike. The cane guy said, “I will be right back.” The other hispanic guy named Richie stayed to talk with us. Richie said, “Watch out that guy is crazy.”  On his cheek were two tear tattoos coming down from his eye and a HUGE 666 tattooed across his throat. He told me that his name that he is known by is “The Devil. What’s your names?” We told him Ben and Ben. He looked at the other Ben and said, “No! I am going to call you Shaggy.” We all laughed.

After talking for a bit, I looked at him and then boldly asked if we could pray and bless him. Richie pointed to his tears and the 666 tattoo and said, “Do you really want to pray for me? Look?” I told him I wanted to. He accepted and I placed my hand on his shoulder and prayed over him. I then locked on his eyes and said, “We believe Jesus heals. Is there was any pain or problems in your body.”  He explained that his whole body hurts from the work he does and especially his side. I went around him and started to knell down… “Hey! HEY! GET UP! I AM A THUG! I can’t let people see you praying for me! I am the devil here!” He then went on to apologize that he was high and thanked us for praying for him, but he has a reputation to uphold. We talked for a little while longer as the cane man came back up and started tapping a square object under his shirt. I realized in that moment that it was a gun. So, here we are two guys talking to two gang members in the middle of the city at night. Something in the natural we should be scared of, but I wasn’t seeing things in the natural. I saw there was more with us than with them. There wasn’t any fear or concern only compassion on two guys who needed to be impacted by a very real God. I was captivated by the MAJESTY of He who was with us and the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit to stand boldly before the devil and advance. After talking for a little bit longer they thanked us and said goodbye. The cane gang member, now we can see he is high, pointed right at us and said boldly, “God loves you guys.”  I asked him if we could pray for healing for him, but he pushed full speed ahead on his scooter.

We then walked over to a local homeless shelter and talked with about 6 guys standing outside. Jerry and Mike were there again hanging outside. I asked Jerry how his stomach was. “I went to the doctor last week and he said nothing is wrong with my stomach! But If I continue to drink my stomach pain will come back.” They then went on to tell some stories of their struggles with drugs and alcohol. Even a few jokes were told in light of it. Ben and I gathered the guys together in a circle and we all prayed right there on the edge of the street. Mike (painter who blesses the guys there) told us that he has been inviting some of the guys to our church. Right as we were leaving Milton came walking up the side walk, and we chatted with him briefly. So good to build relationships!

Ben then felt we should go to a local theater that hosts events. We prayed over the building and blessed it. I came to find out from Ben that the owner is a really strong Christian and uses that as his ministry to the city. Right then around the corner came Eric and Marybeth. All of us chatted for a few minutes then parted ways.

There was a hispanic father with two little one fishing off into the river below so we headed over there. I walked up to him and asked if they caught anything. After talking about fishing for a bit we realized that he was very limited in his english. I am so happy I was paired with Ben because time and time again Ben translated to the people we met. He has such an amazing heart! We asked to pray for him (ben translated). He gathered his little ones in front of him and he was blessed. The father started tearing up while we were praying for them. Then Ben looked right at him and said in Spanish, “May the dreams in your heart come to pass.” He thanked us and we said our goodbyes.

After a little bit of walking we made our way to a local ministry in the city that provides dental, medical, and eye care for free. There were about 7 people in there and we invited them into a circle and blessed them and prayed for their requests. They hugged us out and thanked us so much for stopping in and encouraging them. We then went next store and prayed for a couple that serves medically there. The husband, Rick, and I got into a very cool conversation about adopting from China. His daughter was adopted and is now graduated high school this year. He took me out to his car and showed me some of the most beautiful canvases of christian artwork I have ever seen! So, there I am talking to this guy about adopting from China thinking how amazing God is to intertwine two people like this with such similar stories.

Ben walked out from talking to the owner, and showed me a business card. “There is a woman volunteer to the ministry who would like to join us on Thursdays.” We later gave the card to Corey to follow up! I love how God networks!

We were almost back and paused a hispanic family and blessed them in prayer. At first they thought we were trying to sell something, but Ben translated in Spanish that we just wanted to pray. They all thanked us and we made our way back.

At the end of the night we shared testimony after testimony of what God did, and gave Him all the glory!

What I learned tonight from Him was the power of presence. Presence enables you stand in places that would normally be off limits, but the kingdom displaces darkness. Everything starts between Him and I in intimacy, and then is poured out. I am not under pressure to perform or do… It’s not about performance. It’s about relationship with the One. All of this out here is a by product of ministering to Him.


The only words that comes to my mind for tonight… WONDEROUS MAJESTY. I so completely BLOWN AWAY!! We (Eric, Marybeth, Corey and I) started off our night by going up to the roof of Corey’s apartment. With total surrender and worship to Him we declared goodness-peace-love and life over this city. Each prayed for things laid on our hearts and tonight.

The first place we found ourselves tonight was a local laundromat. There were two tall African American guys shoving laundry into the washers in one isle and a small Asian woman out back. I broke off from the group, and talked to Lee who is just the sweetest little lady. She worked there and has 7 kids! Her 3 boys are older in the Marines/Navy. My heart filled with compassion as she told of the terror of sometimes waiting to hear if they were alive. Lee told me that one of their friends just died in combat, and how close it was for him. I blessed her and then asked if there was anything that needed healing in her body. Immediately she told me about her nose being congested and she coughs when she lays down to sleep. I placed my fingers on her cheeks and declared healing to those nasal cavities IN JESUS NAME. She looked at me in surprise as she said, “I can breath! Thank you! Thank you! Bless you!”

I returned to the group to see Eric praying for these two guys in the middle of the laundromat. He brought the kingdom and covered them with encouragement. One of the guys was just recently baptized, and it was so amazing to see Eric love on these guys. His heart is truly gifted in inviting people to feel at ease and built up.

We paused and sought Holy Spirit on where to go. Corey saw some homeless guys hanging out in front of a church, so we headed in that direction. I was so surprised to see Martin aka Mark from a few weeks ago (Mark got his knee instantly healed). There was also a guy named Jimmy sitting uncomfortably on the steps. He asked us if we had any water and Eric went and purchased the LARGEST waters possible for them. Jimmy had some stomach issues and was having multiple trips to bathroom. “If I stand up right now I will have to run to the restroom!” Corey asked him if we could pray for him. “We believe Jesus HEALS. If we pray for you would you be willing to stand up afterward?” I confidently stated. He nodded in agreement. We declared healing on his stomach IN JESUS NAME, and Jimmy slowly rose to a standing position! “It feels really good! It feels completely different!” He continued to test out his stomach for awhile afterwards.  He was also bound up by alcohol so Corey explained how to break that off and that it comes from the heart in prayer. “You have to mean it here.” Jimmy authentically prayed with Corey and Marybeth for FREEDOM from alcohol IN JESUS NAME, and started trembling.

Corey went on to talk with Jimmy as I stepped over to Mark.  He looked at me, “Hey I wanted to thank you! I woke up the next day and I could walk completely fine. I couldn’t walk before I saw you guys but now I can! Thank you!” Eric and I prayed for Mark and blessed him as another guy name Mike walked up with food for them. Mike is a local painter in the area. We prayed for Mike and he listened to Mark’s and Jimmy’s testimonies of being healed. He exclaimed, “Hey do you guys have a van or bus to transport guys to your church! We would like to go to your church! If we can get a vehicle by Sunday we are going to come! Where is it?” I truly LOVE this!! The Kingdom invades their space and they are compelled by Him.

As we parted ways we walked by a local rehabilitation ministry, and Eric felt lead to pray for them. In the window there was two guys named Mark and John. We started talking with John who raved about our head pastor Steve who volunteers as a counselor. He was so in awe of what God does through Steve, that he wants to come to our church! We blessed John, who desires to be a pastor, and Mark to finish the rehab program. After saying our goodbyes we headed toward home.

We were nearing the end of our night, and there walking towards us was a mom with two teen girls and one teen guy. Corey masterfully opened up a conversation, and they were interested in being blessed. He asked first, “Does anyone have any pain or healing that they need?” The mom immediately spoke up and said, “My daughter hurt her knee.” Then the daughter said that her friend (guy) hurt his ankle. He then pointed at the other girl and said she hurt her back. WOW! So, we started with the knee. Corey looked at me and said, “Ben loves praying for healing.” I jumped right in. Holy Spirit reminded me to have her do something that would be limiting or cause slight pain. She tried to straighten her leg, and it was limited in range. Then she tried to bend it back but also limited mobility. We declared healing IN JESUS NAME and I told her to try it out. She was in complete SHOCK! She started straightening and bending it FULLY! The mom said with excitement, “You couldn’t bend it like that this morning!” She told her girl friend to feel her knee. “It feels completely different. Does it look different?”

I stepped over to the teen guy while she continued to bend and flex her knee in shock. He injured his ankle in a volleyball game and had it lightly rapped. “Hey can you try to do something that you would feel the pain.” He tried to rotate it and had very limited mobility. I declared healing IN JESUS NAME over that ankle and had him try it out. He was in total AMAZEMENT! He started rotating that ankle with almost full mobility. So, I asked to pray again and brought Marybeth down with me. I softly told her how to minister healing, and she declared healing over that ankle. FULL MOBILITY! HEALED! I shook his hand, “Jesus loves you man.”

By now the last girl is watching this, and she knows what’s coming. She had a back injury from soccer in a slide tackle. I asked if I could put my hand on her back and then declared healing IN JESUS NAME. My hand had the feeling of tremendous heat over her back. “Can you test it out?” She told us she didn’t know how to test it, but it feels better! Corey told everyone about how much Jesus loves them and they were touched tonight His healing. He took a few minutes with the mom and prophetically spoke into her life. They thanked us over and over.

When we got back we ministered to each other, and gave ALL THE GLORY to Him. So thankful for these this group and our church! He loves to partner! We bring a BIGGER LION with us as we go! KINGDOM COME!


Jordan River: IDENTITY

Joshua had the task of LEADING Israel across the Jordan River to enter the PROMISE LAND. When they were going to cross the river it was at flood stage.

 The crossing of the Jordan was a prophetic picture of the cross.

Joshua 3:17 “… all of Israel crossed over the Jordan…” They experienced God manifesting His power to them. It is so important that we don’t just know of God but we also experience Him in our daily lives. When the people of Israel crossed the Jordan they left something behind. They are leaving their old way of SEEING, THINKING and DOING for a new way of being with God inside of His PROMISES and FULLNESS. It was as if they were new creations. The OLD is gone and the NEW has come. By crossing the Jordan the river it literally cut off their route back to their old way of being in the wilderness, and opened them up to a completely NEW way of living inside His PROMISES.


When we are ministering to people our starting place is that we are a NEW CREATION IN CHRIST. All the OLD has passed away. Everything has become NEW. Everything is of God. Therefore we are ESTABLISHING WHO GOD IS for them NOW, and GIVING them a RENEWED perspective of WHO THEY REALLY ARE. We aren’t dealing with their OLD self as a slave in the wilderness. We are building up the NEW SELF.

We will most likely have people come to us with ISSUES and FEELINGS about their current CIRCUMSTANCES. Acts 17:28 “For in him we live and move and have our being…” That is situational. That is circumstantial. You can’t be IN CHRIST and then have an issue as a separate thing. Every issue is IN CHRIST because you are. That means ALL of our circumstances are vulnerable to the PROMISES and PROVISION we have IN CHRIST. Someone might know the right Sunday school answer, but we need to LISTEN to their LANGUAGE and what they are DOING, because that is what they truly BELIEVE. Because every ACTION is rooted in the THOUGHT that produced it.



Let’s take a look at Joshua. Turn over to Joshua chapter 1 and hold there for a moment. Joshua is about to lead Israel into the PROMISE land. A journey that should have taken 40 days took 40 years.

What if God is inviting you into a DESTINY and PURPOSE that is so much BIGGER than you can ever do, that He needs you to SEE and THINK about YOURSELF and HIM completely different to live into it?

How would you need to see yourself differently? How would you need to see God differently?

HOW DOES GOD SPEAK? God will always speak to you in the FULLNESS of how He SEES and THINKS about you. This is done in a PRESENT FUTURE tense not PRESENT PAST. He speaks PRESENT FUTURE because He is no longer dealing with your sin. Our sin was dealt with on the CROSS. Therefore He is ESTABLISHING righteousness in you. That is His FOCUS.

Four times God says for Joshua in chapter 1 to “BE strong and courageous…” Something Joshua wasn’t yet.

  • 1:2 “The time has come for you to lead…”
  • 1:6 “Be strong and courageous…”
  • 1:7 “Be strong and very courageous…”
  • 1:9 “Be strong and courageous…”
  • 1:18 “So be strong and courageous…”
  • 3:7 “I will begin to make you a great leader in the eyes of the Israelites.”
  • 4:14 “The Lord made Joshua a great leader…”

HOW DOES HE SEE YOU? Genesis 1:26 “Let Us make man in Our image.” We are made in His image. Did you catch that? We are designed to BE image bearers and imitators of God. Did you know that when God expressed Himself, you happened?

What if you are designed to be an OVERCOMER NOT to be OVERCOME by things? What if YOU are the MIRACLE for someone because God is in you?

We are always stepping into BECOMING partakers of His divine nature and ways. We are BECOMING like Him in SEEING, THINKING, SPEAKING and DOING. We have His glory with us. In Colossians 1:27 It says, “Christ in you the hope of glory” This means, it is the confident expectation (HOPE) of something glorious happening RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW through YOU because Christ is in YOU. We are made to carry His glory into everything we face.

Doesn’t that make you kind of curious of what could happen in your current circumstance because Christ is in you? He is going to always look to invite you to BE something with Him. To do this He will always BE that for you first. (ROMANS 11:36) “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen”

When you BELIEVE what He is saying about you, and take ACTION upon what He says over how you FEEL or what our CIRCUMSTANCES are telling us, you walk right into the DESTINY, PURPOSE, and PROMISES He has for you.

We need to know who God wants to BE for us (His NATURE AND WAYS) and who we are called to BE (Our IDENTITY) so we can LEAD people to new places.