*Disclaimer: there is are few words used in dialog that are cuss words. This is not intended to offend. 

Tonight was one of those nights I will never forget for the rest of my life. I am in total AWE and WONDER at the MAJESTY of God and how BIG He LOVES.

Our night began like none of the other nights before. The three of us, Corey, Adam, and I started to pray and the peace of God settled on us in such a way we didn’t want to get up from the ground. Something then rose up inside of my spirit, “Corey… can we just sing one song?” He rose to his feet, “I just happen to have a guitar.” The three of us started to worship in the PEACE of His presence. Corey later told us that he had this side thought, “We should probably get going… It is getting dark.” But I didn’t want to stop playing or leave. So one song turned into another and then another and then another and another – another – another, and then it happened. The GLORY of God filled his apartment and the weight settled in and rested us. All three of us were on the floor in silence before Him in AWE of who HE is.

After some time resting in Him we gathered together, and knew tonight was special. Each of us felt completely covered almost blanketed in the peace of God. During the worship time I heard a name, “Patrick,” and saw an older woman who was missing teeth laughing. I told the guys about the name, but I struggled to tell them about the woman. The thought that went though my head was, “Are you really going to walk around downtown looking for an old woman who is missing teeth?” So I didn’t say it till afterwards on our way back. It was a LEARNING MOMENT because that is the very person we met tonight! Sometimes just take the risk especially when you are in a safe environment with loved friends. Be Bold… future advice for myself.

Adam looked at Corey and said, “I had a vision of this heart shape but it was open at the bottom.” Each of us were trying to make the shape with our hands. Corey thought maybe it is an Irish symbol so we headed towards local pubs in the area. It was likely 10-15 minutes of walking and we haven’t seen anyone yet. “I think this is the longest we have ever walked and not seen anyone.” Corey said with surprise.

We reached a red light and I noticed three African American woman sitting on a bench kiddy corner to us. “Hey guys, let’s go pray for them.” So, we made our way over and met an older woman, Peaches, who was missing multiple teeth and two of her friends. They were very melancholy looking sitting on that bench prior to us coming up. I love Corey’s heart and gifting! He opened up the conversation so simply and masterfully that they couldn’t help be compelled to share what’s going on. They asked for the simplest request. Each of them only wanted joy and peace. Corey later said to us, “I had this feeling that it was a Solomon moment. Since they asked for the best thing God was going to do and give far more.” We gathered the women together in a circle and blessed those ladies with peace and joy. I am not kidding you… joy started to fill these woman. Then they grabbed us and kept us in the circle and blessed/prayed over us! “These men are true disciples of Jesus and it isn’t easy being out here but they are with you…” It was so powerful!

So, I opened it up, “Ladies is there anyone who needs healing tonight in your body?” Peaches piped up and told us the history of her knees. She had horrible knees and when she showed us they were completely swollen. “I had to get shots today in them because they are in such pain.” I asked her if we could pray for them and she agreed. “Is there something you can’t do that would be willing to show us?” Peaches then tried to squat and went to not even close to a bend. Corey and Adam started to intercede over Peaches and I got down on my knees in front of her. I declared healing to her knees IN JESUS NAME. After standing up, “Try it out.” In no way am I exaggerating by saying this. Peaches did a squat where her butt almost touched her ankles! She took the JOY to a whole new level! “I don’t think you boys understand. I haven’t been able to do a squat in over 20 years! Let alone that low!” She looked at me and said, “Can I do it again?” I held her arms and she dipped down again to the same spot. “Praise Jesus! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! I don’t have any pain in my knees and they can now bend! PRAISE THE LORD!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks. “Peaches Jesus loves you so much!” She told us she is going to tell everyone and especially her pastor! Corey started talking with the other women and she bear hugged me. It was one of those awesome grandma hugs that make you feel completely loved. “Peaches you are just so full of JOY are you wanting to do it again?” “YES! Would you help me one more time?” This time Peaches butt squatted almost to the sidewalk, but her leg strength couldn’t get her back up because she hasn’t been able to bend in so long. So, we each grabbed an arm and helped her back up. Corey looked at Peaches. “Baby steps Peaches.” Both of us then prayed for a strengthening to her legs to support her new knees.

We went on to talk with Peaches about God. Right then a guy name Danny walked up. He was reminded me of the surfer type with the long hair and bandana. “Peaches! I got the temp job at Budweiser!” We introduced ourselves to Danny and started talking with him. Adam asked if we could pray for anything going on in his life. He wanted prayer for securing his job. Once we finished praying I held my hand out straight in the air towards him. It was like a tractor beam, as he walked up to me till my hand was on his heart. “I declare joy and peace over Danny right now IN JESUS NAME…” “Hey man your hand is getting hot! This is crazy man!” I finished praying for him and he said, “That was wild! Your hand got completely hot when you started praying!” Danny went on to tell us about Peaches. She had almost nothing herself, but would write down all the people in her building who didn’t have a job. Then walk around to all the businesses and find them jobs. She would let homeless people live in her tiny apartment on cold nights and feed them. Peaches took care of Danny on and off for years.

Right then Holy Spirit prodded me to ask him about healing. “Danny, is there anything in your body that needs healing? Peaches knees just got touched by Jesus and healed…” Peaches went on to tell him what happened. “Yeah man… I broke my pinky finger on the job. I didn’t want to tell my bosses because I would lose my temp job. There is like 100 people who would take my job in a heart beat. So it healed wrong. I went to the doctor today, and they said they would have to re-break it and then set it to have it heal right. I almost punched him when he went to touch it!” He then tried to make a fist, and his first three fingers bent all the way to his palm, but his pinky was almost straight up in the air frozen in place. The only part that slightly bent was the top knuckle of the pinky. “Danny can I pray for you pinky?” He looked at me in disbelief. “I just told you… The doctor said I would have to break it.” I locked eyes with him and said reassuringly “Can I pray for your pinky?” “But I don’t believe in healing.” “That’s ok Danny. Jesus still can.” I said comfortingly. Danny and I were still locked in eye contact. It was like my words moved from being mine to spirit spoken directly to his heart. Filled with UNBELIEF… he stated, “Nothing is going to happen!” “Can I pray for you Danny?” I said peacefully to him. “Sure, but nothing is going to happen!” A complete confidence rose up in me. “Yes it will… Danny… Yes it will.” I could almost see in my spirit the pain behind his eyes. “Just watch Danny. Just watch what my Jesus will do.”

I then declared healing IN JESUS NAME to his pinky. “Test it out. Danny” As I softly removed my hands from around his. He then slowly bent his fist closed. “HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK! Sorry guys! Dam that is crazy! Sorry again man! I liked you guy’s prayer about the job but NOW I am really taking your prayer seriously! This is crazy! Peaches look!” He bent that pinky back about 65% to his palm! “Can I pray again for your pinky?” “Yes please!” I declared healing again to his pinky. Another 10% farther! So we all circled up around him and Corey prayed over Him and then Danny had 80-85% recovered mobility to his pinky! He gave hugs to everyone then looked at me and gave me a huge hug and slapped my back to test it. “If I slapped your back an hour ago I would have been in tears from the pain. You should be on one of those street TV shows! This was amazing! How did you do that?” “Danny Jesus outrageously loves you, and cares about the smallest of details in your life. He is so concerned about your wellbeing, and for you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He loves you!” He was so happy because now he could lift the beer crates without pain. This was by far the most dramatic shift in healing for me, because I literally held his pinky in my hand as it happened! It was close up, right in your face, and very personal. No tricks. No gimmicks. No magic acts or hocus-pocus as Danny asked us about. Just Jesus and Holy Spirit backing me up in my anointing and loving every minute of it!

Corey then went on to share about GRACE and MERCY to them and how it can be part of their life. By this time it was like a jOY BOMB went off on that corner of the sidewalk. I think if we stayed longer and the presence got thicker we all would have been dancing.

I looked over, and as I am talking to Danny, Adam is snapping a picture with His phone of a poster hanging behind the bench. I cocked by head sideways wondering why and then it hit me! The poster was a large artistically drawn tooth. The top of the tooth looked like the top of a heart shape with the bottom open which is where the roots were! It was completely the vision Adam had! We found the spot that Holy Spirit wanted to show up in BIG ways!

On our way home we were just so full of JOY mixed with a blanketed PEACE. Corey and I made our way back to his apartment and told story after story of what happened tonight giving Him all the GLORY!

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